Mimolette, the Tastiest of Cheeses

When thinking of tasty, tasty cheeses, my mind often wanders to the mysterious year I lived in Virginia.  It was at a quaint fromagerie-turned-patisserie called The Frenchman’s Corner on East Davis Street in Culpeper where I was first introduced to Mimolette (mim-oh-let).  Mimolette has the size, color, and texture of a cantaloupe, but fortunately, a much better taste and fewer seeds.

Cantaloupe Melon
A Cantaloupe Melon








The delicious mimolette is a hard French cheese made from cow’s milk that can be eaten at various stages of ripeness.  It smells of socks, has a taste similar to Parmesan, can have crystals on the inside and a chewy rind.  Unfortunately, the cheese can no longer be imported to the United States after a trade embargo was placed in 2013 by the FDA, because, while this cheese is delicious, it also may contain dangerous cheese mites that work their way inside your head attaching themselves to your brain stem making you unable to see the color blue or hear songs by Molly Cyprus.  An occasional Whole Foods or specialty foods store may have slipped past the embargo.  But beware!

I can only assume this is what the cheese mites look like.  Or maybe this is a photo I took of them.  Not really sure.
I can only assume this is what the cheese mites look like. Or maybe this is a photo I took of them. Not really sure.

Please don’t risk eating cheese mites.  Maybe one or two small slivers of tasty Mimolette will do you in.

Photos courtesy of the Google.  Thank you Wikipedia for information that is accurate %1000 of the time.

“Mimolette tastes good.” – Thomas Jefferson